Wednesday, 14 April 2010

2010 Cheshire Schools Book Award

In the autumn of 2009, the shortlist was announced for the 2010 Cheshire Schools Book Award. Here are the six fine novels that made the final cut:

Auslander by Paul Dowswell
Ostrich Boys by Keith Gray
The Goldsmith’s Daughter by Tanya Landman
Feather and Bone by Lazlo Strangolov
Blood Hunters by Steve Voake
The Midnight Charter by David Whitley

I make this announcement now as it has only just been drawn to my attention. My literary executor, Matt Whyman, tells me he has been busy lately. Quite how busy I am not sure. A delay of some six months makes me think he had been abducted by aliens.

Trust nobody. Except for chickens and beagle dogs.


  1. Good to know you writings are being recognized.

  2. Oh, and it just came to my notice, that you use the same blog setup pas me, I had wondered where i'd seen it before.
